Thursday, July 9, 2009

BM again for Science and Maths..Are we in the right direction?

When comes to this issue, so often I will have contradictory stand, depending on which aspect I look at. Being the first batch to go through this change of policy by the government in 2003, I have often thought of the logic of implementing it when I'm in the first year of Form 6

Here are some of the Questions that keep running in my mind whenever I give a thought to this issue.. and some have answers, some no..

Q: Will teaching Science and Maths in English improve the student's command of the language?
A: NO! How can the limited English in Science and Maths improved the students' command of it. Science and Maths don't teach grammar! The most can be learned is the specific scientific and mathematics terms. For my batch, everything remains the same as before, just need to write down the BM terms, so that to link up with previous knowledge of the topic.

Q: So what is the purpose of implementing it in the first place?
A: Hell, I don't know! Improve the image of our local graduates, maybe..Cause when I attend job and scholarship interviews, the interviewer will ask whether teaching and learning is in English. And most likely, stressed on the importance of English to the people. Already, I heard people saying "English? why care? PPSMI scrap already!"

Q: So is it a good thing that we scrap this policy now?
A: I don't know. It depends on why they scrap it. If it's because the rural students can't catch up, then it's a really one BIG step backward for the nation! While we slow down to let rural students catch up, we are losing grounds to the world! Frankly speaking, I feel this is merely a political decisions to win support from the various Malay, Chinese,Indian NGO and incompetent teachers. And I can't think of any good to scrap it now. Students will be the victims...

Q: Do you agree that “Technical terms need to be absorbed in English, so strengthening English in general is not going to help in Maths and Science.”?
A: Yes, agree! But technical terms can be learned quite easily.. As long as the student grasped the concept right, terms isn't going to affect much, and shouldn't be a big issue. I know it, I've been through this! ( I study science in Chinese for 2-3 years, in BM 5 years, and in English 2 years).

Q: If I'm the Education Minister, what actions will I take?
A: It depends on what are the problems. Whenever this Education Minister makes a decision, I never quite know what is he trying to tackle or solve. As far as I'm concern, there is nothing wrong to teaching Sciences and Maths in English. The problems:
I) the low quality of the teaching staff
II) the rural students lagging.

I) If the teachers really unable to teach Science and Maths in English, don't let them teach! Let them teach other subjects like Physical Education. If no such vacancy, post them to other areas or school that need such teachers, and employ competent teachers to teach. I believe the incompetent teachers are being too pampered! If the students can adapt, so can the teachers! Humans are always learning and adapting! Ever wonder how you know how to eat rice?

II) If the commitment is there, in the long run, surely the quality of the teaching staff in rural areas will improve. In the mean time, provide more residential school for the students in rural area.

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