Monday, July 7, 2008

Dramatic 2 weeks

The past 2 weeks has been a really dramatic period for Malaysians. I believe the newspaper sales must have increase as wave after wave of stunning news "leaked" to the general public. The vote of no confidence, sodomy, murder using explosive case, Malaysian political scene has hit more headlines than ever before.

All these news certainly battered the Bursa, but to make it worse, "technical glitch" hit Bursa, and trading was halted for one full day. And now they are saying that Malaysians are getting tired of political bickering.

Well, yes to some extent, but some how, since the situation already developed into the current situation, the politicians owe the people the truth, and also for those responsible to face the consequences! Please don't expose something, yet nothing is done to those responsible like the hundred ringgit screwdrivers!

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